Dae-Hong Kim
金大洪 - 《垃圾袋計劃》
垃圾袋計劃,演出:Sammi Sin,錄像,2分28秒,2015 香港藝術巴塞爾貴賓入場處
我覺得它跟我或我們有類同之處 — 用完後被丢棄。這是一個很好的藝術素材去形容我們的狀態。我曾經在2015香港藝術巴塞爾、街市、遊客區等地方,用大型塑膠袋演出,主要是兩個基本概念:一是不被注目的存在,而另一種是奇怪又不受歡迎的存在。
就像在錦上路港鐵站我的"垃圾袋計劃"中, 沒有被人注意到的飛舞垃圾袋。
Dae-Hong Kim
[South Korea]
Garbage bag project, performer: Sammi Sin, single channel video, 2’ 28”, 2015
-performance at the VIP entrance of 2015 Art Basel HK-
I consider myself as just a tiny and invisible being in this neoliberalism society. With less value and no respect, I or regular people are far from the mainstream. One day, I found one black plastic bag on the street that was rolling around. It looked like just a garbage bag that had been abandoned after its use.
I thought it was similar to me, also similar to us in this point, disposed after the usage. It was a good art material to describe this kind of circumstance. I had done several performances with big plastic bags in HK2015 Art Basel HK, some markets, tourism spots and etc. There were two basic concepts. One is an unrecognizable being and the other one is a strange and unwelcome being.
For example, no one recognized the existence of the wriggly dancing garbage bag in a market such as my Garbage Bag Project in Kam Sheung Rd. MRT station.
The other performance in 2015 at Art Basel HK was about the person who is not welcomed. I could see the big contrast between the most well-known art fair and real life in HK.