Cheung Chau Wave Road Show
A walking tour of stories and oddities past and present from local traders, makers, doers and residents.
慢走細聽長洲獨特故事 細味小島過去現在
We held our first tours on Sunday 9th December 12月9日(日) - and continue to hold the regularly and on request.
Would you like a tour for your friends?
・ Donation based: minimum $200 per person
(all proceeds go to future CCW events)
・ Min. 8 people / Max. 15 people per tour
・ Approx. 3.5 hours
・ Tour in both English and Cantonese
・ 捐款詳情: $200 起
・ 8-15人一團
・ 全程約3.5小時
・ 以英文和廣東話進行