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Every time I press the camera shutter I feels death. It is death which reminds me to live well. This installation combines with the stairwell, the lights and more than 50 images selected from the body of work “memento vivere”.
每當我按下照相機的快門,意識到死亡。就是死亡不斷提醒我要好好生活。這個裝置是由樓梯、燈光及超過從 ”memento vivere” 系列選出來的50張照片組合而成。
Gary Ng is an independent photographer based in Hong Kong. He had an apprenticeship with Ben Lifson and Paola Ferrario. His works has been exhibited in Three Shadows Photography Arts Centre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Black Box Gallery, Kiernan Gallery & F-stop Magazine. Also, he has recent works includes “memento vivere”, "a trilogy: faith, hope, love", "so strange, so familiar".
吳子樂,香港獨立攝影師。曾師承 Ben Lifson 及 Paola Ferrario。他的作品曾在三影堂攝影藝術中心、香港文化中心、BlackBox Gallery, Kieran Gallery, F-stop Magazine 展出。最近的作品有 “memento vivere"、"三部曲:信、望、愛","這麼陌生、那麼熟悉"等。
1/ Short Text + Title
Title: memento vivere
artist statement:
To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is...at last, to love it for what it is, and then, to put it away..." Virginia Woolf
Life is short. For some, life is miserable. Virginia's death reminds me to live well. Memento vivere is a project in which I record significant moments before they slip away. The intimate moments with my wife, the humors in the world, the introspective time I spend alone… the important activities for which I make time.
I keep photographing my everyday life, when I’m dinning, taking a shower, listening to music, commuting back home… Sometimes, I would make short trips and photograph trying to take from the visible world images that mirror my feelings and state of mind. When looking back at the moments, I sequence and finish the work through my intuition.
I imagine one day, when looking back at the pictures, I’ll say, “That was the year. That is my love. That is me.”
3/ Contact Info/Website/Blog
mobile: 852-90207640
email: garyng@me.com
website: www.garyngphoto.com
instagram: garyngphoto
5/ Short Bio = please just 1-2 sentences about your practice as an artist.
Gary Ng is an independent photographer based in Hong Kong. He's interested in documenting his own life and do shooting everyday.
Photo credit 1-4: courtesy of the artist
Photo credit 5-8: Killie Burton
Every time I press the camera shutter I feels death. It is death which reminds me to live well. This installation combines with the stairwell, the lights and more than 50 images selected from the body of work “memento vivere”.
每當我按下照相機的快門,意識到死亡。就是死亡不斷提醒我要好好生活。這個裝置是由樓梯、燈光及超過從 ”memento vivere” 系列選出來的50張照片組合而成。
Gary Ng is an independent photographer based in Hong Kong. He had an apprenticeship with Ben Lifson and Paola Ferrario. His works has been exhibited in Three Shadows Photography Arts Centre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Black Box Gallery, Kiernan Gallery & F-stop Magazine. Also, he has recent works includes “memento vivere”, "a trilogy: faith, hope, love", "so strange, so familiar".
吳子樂,香港獨立攝影師。曾師承 Ben Lifson 及 Paola Ferrario。他的作品曾在三影堂攝影藝術中心、香港文化中心、BlackBox Gallery, Kieran Gallery, F-stop Magazine 展出。最近的作品有 “memento vivere"、"三部曲:信、望、愛","這麼陌生、那麼熟悉"等。
1/ Short Text + Title
Title: memento vivere
artist statement:
To look life in the face, always, to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is...at last, to love it for what it is, and then, to put it away..." Virginia Woolf
Life is short. For some, life is miserable. Virginia's death reminds me to live well. Memento vivere is a project in which I record significant moments before they slip away. The intimate moments with my wife, the humors in the world, the introspective time I spend alone… the important activities for which I make time.
I keep photographing my everyday life, when I’m dinning, taking a shower, listening to music, commuting back home… Sometimes, I would make short trips and photograph trying to take from the visible world images that mirror my feelings and state of mind. When looking back at the moments, I sequence and finish the work through my intuition.
I imagine one day, when looking back at the pictures, I’ll say, “That was the year. That is my love. That is me.”
3/ Contact Info/Website/Blog
mobile: 852-90207640
email: garyng@me.com
website: www.garyngphoto.com
instagram: garyngphoto
5/ Short Bio = please just 1-2 sentences about your practice as an artist.
Gary Ng is an independent photographer based in Hong Kong. He's interested in documenting his own life and do shooting everyday.
Photo credit 1-4: courtesy of the artist
Photo credit 5-8: Killie Burton