Monique Yim 嚴穎嘉
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混合媒介藝術 (聲音、裝置、場域特定藝術)
The Room Without Title
[ Audience please enter alone. ]
HK, 2015
Mixed Media Art (Sound, Installation, Site-specific Art)
Reminiscing the school life in childhood, we have been through the instinctive fear, myths, words from parents, or we have actually grown up in all kinds of punishment or just verbal abuse. When the above combined with culture, a designated culture, signs, and senses received in a designated or non-designated space, darkness, claustration, sound, some objects… human beings bringing with projections and imagination, individually or collectively.
You may think of ghost stories of bathroom. You may hear about devils and spirits. You may feel like in the dark, feel like being locked in the dark. You may be punished. You may… It can be tangible or intangible, existing or non-existing.
It can be a collective memory, a personal experience, or an imagination. It can also be a myth, a metaphor, or an encounter.
The artwork was created by using the site of CC Fisheries Joint Association Public School. Adding materials into the room, the artist also makes use of those existing elements at the site in order to exhibit the curatorial concept of ghost and supernatural, and to display the artist’s investigation into the relationship between fear and culture.
Monique Yim Biography
Born in 1984, Hong Kong, Monique Yim is an interdisciplinary artist, art educator and independent curator, mainly works on performance, installation, site-specific, community and public art. She is also a film art director, theatre art designer, writer and a social activist.
Since 2006, after studied in the Chinese University in Hong Kong, majoring in Cultural and Religious studies with double minors in Fine Art, and Journalism and Communication, Yim has started working as an independent artist. In 2008, she was committed by Hong Kong Arts Development Council to have her first solo exhibition “In the Name of Art” at Shanghai Street Art Space. In the decade, she has curated or participated in over a hundred of local or overseas performance art, visual art, cross media art exhibitions, projects or artist in residence programmes, including in Hong Kong, 9 cities in China, 3 cities in Taiwan, 5 countries with 9 cities in Europe.
During the years, Yim has been actively participating in art education hosted by different universities, schools, institutions and organizations, ranging from kids, teenagers, adults to different races and disabled or special need people. She has also collaborated with different artists, art organizations, and has always been commissioned by institutions and social communities.
Photo credit 1: Courtesy of the artist
Photo credit 2+3: Judith Pernin