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Anagnorisis (darkroom prints)
Most of life’s significant transformations take us unaware. Imperceptible changes within our bodies and minds turn us into people we may never have expected to become. Anagnorisis is the moment we become aware of these changes and receive sudden insight into their meaning. Twenty-five years ago I was born, and I never realized I looked much like my father until now. Slowly but surely, the ghosts of his past become the hosts of my future; I am but a guest who must choose to accept the invitation.
Gather (driftwood, found objects)
Sometimes, many lines intersect at the same point. Each one of these driftwood pieces traveled tens, hundreds, or thousands of miles on different paths to gather upon the same stretch of sand below my house. They are guests here, and will eventually continue their liquid journeys to be hosted on other shores.
Inkblots (darkroom prints)
羅夏墨跡測試的發明,是用以量度精神層面的暗湧 - 一個從兔子洞穴的進口開始而又善變的尋寶線索。隨著時間的推移,我們對這測試的合法性開始質疑,就如我們對自我意識與身份的可能性及理解提出疑問一般。透過這些不完善的心理測試過濾後的揭示,根據這些墨跡去解讀,容許我們去見證自我作為那已成過去的"鬼魂"的"主人",和那個不可預知的未來的"客人"。
Inkblots (darkroom prints)
Rorschach inkblot tests were created to measure the undercurrents of our psyche - clues on a mercurial scavenger hunt that begins at the entrance of a rabbit hole. Over time, we began to question the validity of such tests, just as we questioned the possibility of understanding our own consciousness and identity. Revealed through the filter of these imperfect psychological tests, our interpretations of the inkblots allow us to witness ourselves as hosts to the ghosts of our past and the guests of our future.
Anagnorisis (darkroom prints)
Most of life’s significant transformations take us unaware. Imperceptible changes within our bodies and minds turn us into people we may never have expected to become. Anagnorisis is the moment we become aware of these changes and receive sudden insight into their meaning. Twenty-five years ago I was born, and I never realized I looked much like my father until now. Slowly but surely, the ghosts of his past become the hosts of my future; I am but a guest who must choose to accept the invitation.
Gather (driftwood, found objects)
Sometimes, many lines intersect at the same point. Each one of these driftwood pieces traveled tens, hundreds, or thousands of miles on different paths to gather upon the same stretch of sand below my house. They are guests here, and will eventually continue their liquid journeys to be hosted on other shores.
Inkblots (darkroom prints)
羅夏墨跡測試的發明,是用以量度精神層面的暗湧 - 一個從兔子洞穴的進口開始而又善變的尋寶線索。隨著時間的推移,我們對這測試的合法性開始質疑,就如我們對自我意識與身份的可能性及理解提出疑問一般。透過這些不完善的心理測試過濾後的揭示,根據這些墨跡去解讀,容許我們去見證自我作為那已成過去的"鬼魂"的"主人",和那個不可預知的未來的"客人"。
Inkblots (darkroom prints)
Rorschach inkblot tests were created to measure the undercurrents of our psyche - clues on a mercurial scavenger hunt that begins at the entrance of a rabbit hole. Over time, we began to question the validity of such tests, just as we questioned the possibility of understanding our own consciousness and identity. Revealed through the filter of these imperfect psychological tests, our interpretations of the inkblots allow us to witness ourselves as hosts to the ghosts of our past and the guests of our future.