“The sunlight reflects off the rippling surface of the ocean and creates thousands of particles of light. This incessant, inevitable process is also a succession of momentary miracles, no two of which are ever alike. I wanted to preserve these ephemeral particles of light and the act that has been producing them ceaselessly since primordial times on Earth.”
In this series of stunning photographs, Mikiya Takimoto expresses a fascination with the sea and its movements. Abstract fields of frothing water, glimmering expanses of ripples, and cresting waves like snow-capped mountains are all portrayed in a palette of icy whites and blues. Often it is as if the viewer is peering down at the surface of our planet from high above, able to observe immense, frozen landscapes with their tectonic swirls, upheavals and rifts. Captivating and sublime work from this Japanese master.
陽光從波濤洶湧的海洋表面反射,並產生數千個光粒子。 這不斷、不可避免的過程,是瞬時一連串的奇蹟,並沒兩樣。 我想保留這些短暫的光粒子以及自原始時代以來就不斷產生的光影。”“-Mikiya Takimoto道。 在一系列令人驚嘆的照片中,Mikiya Takimoto表達了對海洋及其運動的著迷。 泛起白沫的水,閃爍的漣漪和雪山等頂峰的抽象領域都用冰冷的白色和藍色調描繪。 通常情況下,觀看者好像是從高空凝視著我們的行星表面,能夠通過其構造旋渦,動盪和裂谷觀察巨大的冰凍景觀。 這位日本大師的作品令人著迷和崇高。
A Japanese photographer and cinematographer, born in Japan in 1974, Mikiya Takimoto started taking photos at the age of 16. He worked at various studios, including that of Tamotsu Fujii, becoming independent in 1998. Alongside his photographic work, he films with the director Hirokazu Kore-Eda, collaborating on films such Soshite Chichi ni Naru (“Like Father, Like Son”), winner of the Jury Prize at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival, and Sandome no Satsujin (“The Third Murder “), which competed in 2017. The photographic work of Mikiya Takimoto is rooted in time, over the seven continents, often in extreme conditions under complex protocols. It requires a long drawn out photographic process to achieve these unique images, each one of which carries within it the symbolism of a global momentum. His work has been published in a dozen books and shown at multiple exhibitions.
1974年出生於日本的日本攝影師和電影攝影師, Mikiya Takimoto於16歲開始拍照。他曾在藤井健攝等不同的製片廠工作,並於1998年成為獨立人士。除攝影作品外,他還與導演廣田裕一(Hirokazu Kore-Eda)一起拍攝電影,並與Soshite Chichi ni等電影合作 2013年戛納電影節評審團獎獲得者Naru(“像父親一樣,喜歡兒子”)和2017年參賽的Sandome no Satsujin(“第三次謀殺”)。moto本美也的攝影作品植根於時間 在七大洲,通常是在復雜條件下的極端條件下。 要獲得這些獨特的圖像,需要經過漫長的攝影過程,每幅圖像中都帶有全球勢頭的象徵意義。 他的作品發表在十幾本書中,並在多個展覽中展出.
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